Saturday, October 8, 2011

Meaningful life.....A Better Way....

An old joke goes…

A group of young people went out an evening to camp in a forest for the night.  They took everything along with them but forgot drinking water.  They searched around for a source, found a small  stream in the area.  They collected  water in middle of the stream, filtered a few times through a piece of cloth and allowed water to stay in a vessel.  Then they took out the clear water on top after sedimentation, thoroughly boiled it on a fire a few times and cooled the same.  At the end they decided, “Why to drink this water in a doubtful situation?  We will drink the alcoholic beverage  we brought with us which also has  water and take only minimum quantity of water as required.”

The meaning of above…. If I like some thing, ultimately I end up doing that.... I will have my own explanations and sincerely reason out to suit me!  Further, this appears very much justified to me in the scenario!

We often notice  in the world, neglect of duties assigned to people. 

Elders are neglected by their wards,
Spouse and children are not properly cared for,
The man at receiving end is rebuked and insulted etc., and
Lastly one neglects his/her own health, wealth and safety by adapting  wrong paths.

Here in, the problem is that one gives more importance to his/her liking than what is required to be done in a given situation.  A small change here sets right many issues in the world, however small it may be.  This change, to an extent possible to me, should always be attempted by me  and be in the direction of improving myself for ever.  it is a discipline!  This leads to a great strength in a person to face all challenges in life.  This strength is different from physical, mental, social, economical and political strengths and the  associated peace is there for every one around.  

This way we can make life on earth better for all of us! 

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