Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nature, Life and Beyond....An Inquisitive Spirit....

It is said that the ‘Entire’ can be explored with 6 ‘W’s and 1 ‘H’; that’s all!

They are questions beginning with Why, What, Who, Where, When, Which and How….

It may look strange, but it is a fact that even Divine Experiences are associated with truthful enquiry through these questionings….In fact, our entire life is a series of explorations….But, when we get into enjoyment mode this exploration tendency becomes dull and in a hobby expression, it is in the front….

A short story here….

In a certain village there was a huge cave a little away from the village. A belief existed among villagers that there is a demon inside the cave  and no villager dared to enter the same. They constantly lived under fear and through one more belief,  the villagers daily left certain food in front of the cave for the demon, to please it….

A young man in the village was of adventurous and inquisitive type. He felt strongly that he should be free from this fear in life. It was always better for him to see and assess instead of blindly following something.  He somehow convinced the villagers, that he wished to go in, see inside and come out and they should not bother for this….They agreed finally with lot of reluctance….

The young man went inside, made a round, saw nothing and came out declared to all outside that there is nothing! There after he lived happily ever without fear; the villagers continued in the same state may be a little better off…. 

The story is for story sake but the learning is....

The young man had put the relevant questions to himself and that was the end of his fear…!  Many of such questions to find out ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ of me can be put to 'ME' continuously by myself. Young age is the best time; not that other times are not!

May be the lucky ones one day find an end for their suffering in the world!

The highest find out and wroth to find out….

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