Thursday, September 26, 2013

The 'Sacred Five' in Work Arena....

To have a steady job in the job market, five 'Entities' are a must....

  • I should have a basic skill which has a potential value in the market or which I can sell for exchange of my needs....  The selection of this basic skill is generally done through a college Degree each of which has a certain value.... What many people choose here may be a guide but 'many' means crowd and the limited things are always distributed….Finally, my share may remain less or I have to wait in the queue…
  • I have an interest in me!  It is better, this interest and my skill match…. Else my skill may not be the best and perfection may not exist in my work.... The deep interest in me not the superficial one is to be seen as quickly as possible…. But, not too late!  In some individuals, it may be dormant but in some it may reveal in the very young age itself.  Identification of this interest in right time is sure an asset....
  • The basic skill with me needs refinement and this will be and has to be done continuously in time to meet both the dynamic requirements in the market and my requirements in life which come up at various stages….
  • A good health and safe practices alone retain the job as the skills are expressed the best at the back of these practices only.... Devoid of these, the life may have a U turn in many aspects and  the job is no exception here!
  • The last and the most important discipline is my sincerity at work.... It is a name by itself, it keeps everything with me throughout my life and it never fails me.... Short gains are the real traps in this area. ...

The above entities together alone make a Good Pudding…. And the taste definitely will be good in eating It!

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