Friday, March 2, 2018


The man dreamed with a total self expression..

  • "I want to venture in my life!"
God smiled and instantly started helping him..

Time passed.. The man again dreamed with a greater thrust in that direction..

  • "I want my venture to be interesting!" 
God again smiled and blessed him with specs of his self interest seen here and there..

Time Passed.. The man dreamed once again making his spirit go up by leaps and bounds..

  • "I want my venture to be more interesting!"
God smiled and okayed that with certain of his self interest firming up..

Time Passed.. The man never stopped there and further dreamed with certain craze in his mind..

  • "I want my venture to be exciting!"
God remained silent and a definite selfishness surfaced in him with Satan making a note of that..

Time Passed.. The man continued dreaming with no recourse to that craze lessening and a certain greed too entering the picture..

  • "I want my venture to be more exciting!"
Satan laughed softly behind the man at the back of continuous rising selfishness with him..

Time Passed.. The man picked up pace in his dreaming with his craze going up in leaps and bounds and the greed firming up everywhere..

  • "I want my venture to be thrilling!"
Satan laughed aloud with no look back and moved towards him to take over charge of him..

Time Passed.. The man never looked back and had gone ahead with his dreaming the greed in him going up by leaps and bounds..

  • "I want my venture to be super thrilling!"
Satan burst into the loudest laughter and joined by his side as the thickest friend..

Time Passed.. That was the ultimate in the man's dreaming with his sky rocketed greed making him totally a mad person for life with a single aim ruling everywhere..
  • "I want my venture to be mind blowing!"
Satan started laughing endlessly and took over the man in total from that very moment till he was finished!

The post is written in line with the IndiSire Prompt Their is a great difference between smile and laugh that is smile can can create positivity but laugh sometimes demotivate other.. Do you agree with this. #greatdifference

Keywords: God, smile, satan, laugh


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  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the appreciation.. I slightly modified the Post to make the point more clear.. Hope it's more clear now.. Thanks for the interest shown!
